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After the success of our partner event last year, TACDC will again be holding the Texas Community Economic Development Summit virtually as part of Resilient Communities | The National Forum.  


We are joining forces with the National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations and other peer associations from across the country to bring you collaborative plenary sessions and national level speakers, as well as Texas specific workshops. 


The forum will begin with two days of collaborative content from October 4-5, followed by three days of Texas focused programming from October 6-8.  Last year, this partnership convened over 2,100 participants from round the nation, including 151 from Texas, representing 96 organizations throughout our state. 


All-inclusive registration!


Members - $75

Non Members $125


When you register for the Resilient Communities Forum, you can participate in all sessions during this collaborative event. 


Your registration provides access to:

  • The Texas Community Economic Development Policy Summit

  • Housing and community development conferences in 8 additional states

  • Two days of joint national sessions developed by the Resilient Communities collaboration

  • The NACEDA Summit for community development associations October 18-20


Texas Collaborative Session Topics, October 4-5


  • Arts & Community Development: Best Practices for Partnerships

    • Sarah Combs, University Area CDC​

    • Lyz Crane, ArtPlace America

    • Olivia Jimenez, Foundation Communities


  • Converting Motels and Hotels into Affordable Housing- It Works!

    • Walter Moreau, Foundation Communities​

    • Megan Loeb, Oregon Community Foundation


  • Making Voices of Color Central in Systemic Change

    • Speakers TBD


Texas Session Topics, October 6-8


  • The Future of the Real Estate Market in Texas

    • Clare Losey, Texas A&M Real Estate Center


  • How Philanthropy has changed during the Pandemic

    • Mike McCoy, Meadows Foundation

    • Anika Little, Asset Funders Network


  •  Changing Demographics in Texas: Impact on Housing and Political Representation

    • Texas State Demographer (invited)


  • The Never-Ending 87th Texas Legislature: What's the state of the State?

    • Luis Figueroa, Every Texan​

    • David Wheaton, Texas Housers


  • The Latest on Texas Housing Stability: Evictions Foreclosures, and Rental Assistance

    • Elaine Morales, Connective​

    • Ashley Brundage, United Way of Dallas

    • National Low Income Housing Coalition (speaker TBD)



Thank you to our sponsors!
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created and designed by irishgirlmurphy

TACDC | 3301 Northland Drive | Suite 410 | Austin, Texas | 78731

(C) 2018 Texas Association of Community Development Corporations

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