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Strategic Planning Facilitation

Strategic Planning
Economic Impact

There is an old saying in community development that, "Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail" and TACDC wants to help each CDC plan for success.  To that end, TACDC is now offering to facilitate your organization's Strategic Planning Retreat.   Why does your organization need a Strategic Plan?  Simply, a strategic plan will help any organization develop its business model and community involvement so that the organization is more impactful. 


A strategic plan is the road map for how an organization will implement its business plan over the next 3-5 years.   TACDC can help your organizations bring together board members, staff, and other stakeholders to think through and articulate what your organizations looks like in the future.  By engaging TACDC to assist with your strategic plan, you will be assured that the resulting plan will:


  •  Reflect the values of your organization

  •  Inspire change to take on new programs and new markets

  •  Clearly defines the criteria for achieving success

  •  Assist everyone in daily decision making.





For more information, contact Matt Hull at

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TACDC | 3301 Northland Drive | Suite 410 | Austin, Texas | 78731

(C) 2018 Texas Association of Community Development Corporations

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